「発展途上国 x 防災・減災」日本を筆頭に、アジア数カ国を含む世界各国で同時開催ハッカソン!

In February 2014, to commerate the launch of the World Bank's Tokyo Disaster Risk Management Hub and to encourage adoption of and inovation in ICT in disaster response and prevention, we will hold a global disaster response and prevention ideathon and hackathon.

The theme will be "The Developing World × Disaster Response and Prevention", and will have participants from diverse backgrounds such as developers, members of organizations supporting the developing world, and students join forces to improve disaster response and prevention, hence the name "Race for Resilience".

東京 x 石巻 x名古屋

This event will not only be held in Japan, but also be held internationally as part of Code for Resilience. Simulatenous events will be held in several Asian countries, Haiti, and London. After February's Hackathon, the best projects from each country will compete for the global award to be issued in London in July 2014, and will also be presented to the United Nations' World Conference on Disaster Prevention.


Dec 24th to Jan 5th
Recruit participants for ideathon
Jan 7th
Finalize ideathon participants
Jan 10th, 5pm to 9pm
Hold ideathon
From Jan 19th
Recruit hackathon participants
Feb 8th, 9日th
From 10am, hold the hackathon (from each location, one team will go on to the global competition)
Feb to June
Brush up period
End of June (Date unfixed)
Global competion (top 4 teams will win an award)
July (Date unfixed)
Global awards ceremony!
  • R4R Google+ページ
  • R4R Facebookページ
  • R4R Twitterアカウント
  • R4R YouTubeチャンネル

Event Outline

Ideathon Tokyo

Jan 10th, 5pm to 9pm
TokyoWorld Bank, Tokyo Office Conference Room(東京都千代田区内幸町2丁目2−2 富国生命ビル10階)Map
Participation Fee
People interested in helping developing countries. Your age, nationality, gender, or occupation doesn't matter. Developers, designers, researchers, bussiness people, and students are all welcome.

In the ideathon, we'll introduce mentors who have used technology to solve social problems, and representatives from 6 countries (Phillipines, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka) to consult with the teams. People actually involved with disaster prevention in developing countries, exchange studens, and representatives from the world bank will also participate. In preparation for the hackathon, we'll propose ideas and create teams.

Hackathon TokyoIshinomakiNagoya

Feb 8th (Sat), 10:00-22:00
Feb 9th (Sun) 10:00-17:00(After party 17:00~)
TokyoTokyo University Komaba Research Campus An棟2Fコンベンションホール(東京都目黒区駒場4-6-1)Map
IshinomakiWithin Ishinomaki (Undecided)
NagoyaNagoya University
Tokyo100 Ishinomaki 50 Nagoya50
Participation Fee
People who participated in the ideathon.
We're also recruiting people to just participate in the hackathon.
People interested in helping developing countries. Your age, nationality, gender, or occupation doesn't matter. Developers, designers, researchers, bussiness people, and students are all welcome.

Over two days, we'll develop software / hardware that will help people in developing countries. From the afternoon on the 2nd day, the teams will be judged and the winning team from each location will receive a prize.
After the hackathon, we'll make all entries available publicly through the global website so that people involved in organizations helping the developing world can see them.


Please register for the location you wish to join.

Information for Participants


Organizer/Main Partners



Race for Resilience Action committee

Main Partners

  • 世界銀行GFDRR
  • 世界銀行東京事務所
  • Code for Japan
  • 東京大学空間情報科学研究センター
  • イトナブ
  • MAPconcierge Inc.
  • NPO Press Center
  • visualizing.jp


Cooperating Communities